
My name is Ember


Aromantic, Asexual, Autistic, Agender, Awesome!

Ok, well there's a lot more to my identity than just those things, but hopefully you'll like it here at my little corner of the web.

Name Platform Category Purpose
Hyperweb iOS, iPad, Mac OS Extensions
Adblock, dark mode, PIP, custom styles and scripts
Picture in Picture (PIP)
Privacy Chromium, Firefox, Safari (iOS, iPad, Mac OS), Android, 1Password Extensions
Generate credit cards for each site
You can also set budgets or one-time use cards which is super neat!
Sponsorblock Chromium, Firefox, Safari (iOS, iPad, Mac OS), Android Extensions
Skip interaction reminders in videos and self promotion. IP and videos watched may be tracked by the extension retrieving data for each video.
"Don't forget to subscribe! Click the bell! Smash that like button! Leave a comment down below, click the links in the top right corner of this video, and use the sponsor links in the description. Then buy my merch!" (These are REALLY fricking annoying)
Privacy Chromium, Firefox, Safari (iOS, iPad, Mac OS), Android, 1Password Extensions, Apps
Generate credit cards for each site
You can also set budgets or one-time use cards which is super neat!
1Password Chromium, Firefox, Safari (iOS, iPad, Mac OS), Android, Chrome OS Extensions, Apps
Password vault. Just remember one password and fill in the rest.
Can save identities to this vault which is cool!

Aliasing Tools


Browser Extensions

Browser Extensions for iOS specifically

  • iVerify (Makes sure your iPhone isn't hacked)